Hello guys ! I am really sorry that I didn't post Virto-infos for so long , but you know , exams . I checked my company , everything was a mess ! Remember : try to log in at least once a day ! So , there are a couple of things we need to discuss in this episode . First one is a really phenomenon : cars. They are imossible to be sold . I tried ~1 month to sell at least one , but nothing ! Someone , playing in realm lien , asked me what he can do with those cars . In a market with only 14 pieces that can be sold , it's impossible to make a good deal .
Example :
Prices are looking good ! Everyone would buy one , or 100.000 :)
This is a good example of super deal , but will this work?
This is how the market looks like in a random city :
Buy with 2.000$ and sell with 2.000.000$ , sounds very interesting !
Another topic is the contest of directors ! I've been picked in this race of millionaires and it's really hard to compete with this players . In this moment , this are my results :
We need to reach the 5th place !!! A honorable 5th will be good , but we need 2.5 more billion . As I told you , I bought an oil well , but in Lien . And this could be a problem . The oil well is 15 billion worth . That could've bring us the 5th place . We need to focus more on the retail . More than one month to reach in top 5 .
Here we are , 2nd place in standard ( retail ) . This is actually good . The first place is untouchable , so we need to keep this position !